

edited by Albert H. Hastorf, Alice M. Isen
出版情報: New York : Elsevier/North Holland, c1982
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Some perspectives on cognitive social psychology Alice M. Isen and Albert H. Hastorf
Social knowledge : structure, content, use, and abuse Nancy Cantor, Walter Mischel, and Judith Schwartz
Toward understanding the relationship between feeling states and social behavior Margaret S. Clark and Alice M. Isen
Ego task analysis : an integration of research on ego-involvement and self-awareness Anthony G. Greenwald
Judging a book by its cover : a cognitive analysis of the relationship between physical appearance and stereotyping Leslie Zebrowitz McArthur
Cognitive social psychology in court and beyond John S. Carroll and Richard L. Wiener
Stories and scripts in organizational settings Joanne Martin
Psychosocial aspects of health, stress, and illness Andrew Baum and Jerome E. Singer
Some perspectives on cognitive social psychology Alice M. Isen and Albert H. Hastorf
Social knowledge : structure, content, use, and abuse Nancy Cantor, Walter Mischel, and Judith Schwartz
Toward understanding the relationship between feeling states and social behavior Margaret S. Clark and Alice M. Isen


[edited by] Adrian Furnham
出版情報: Newton, Mass. : Allyn and Bacon, 1986
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