Bouchard, Claude, Shephard, Roy J., International Conference on Physical Activity, Fitness, and Health, Stephens, Thomas
Human Kinetics Publishers
Knuttgen, Howard G., 1931-, Vogel, James A., Poortmans, J. R. (Jacues R.), 1933-, International Symposium on …
Human Kinetics Publishers
International Congress of Physical Activity Sciences, Landry, Fernand, Orban, William Andrew Robert, 1922-
Symposia Specialists
Asian-Pacific Congress on Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Tʾai-pei, 1975, International Council for Health, …
International Council on Health, Physical Education and Recreation
International Conference on Exercise, Fitness, and Health, Bouchard, Claude
Human Kinetics Books
Puhl, Jacqueline L., 1940-, Brown, C. Harmon, 1930-, United States Olympic Committee Symposium on the Menstrual Cycle …
Human Kinetics Publishers
Shephard, Roy J., Lavallée, Hugues, International Council for Physical Fitness Research
National Conference on the Child in Sport and Physical Activity, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., 1973, Albinson, J. …
University Park Press
Fagard, R. H., Bekaert, I. E.
Nijhoff, Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Pollitt, Ernesto, Amante, Peggy, United Nations University, International Union of Nutritional Sciences
Published by A.R. Liss for the United Nations University
American Medical Joggers Association, Appenzeller, Otto, Atkinson, Ruth R.
S. Karger
International Council for Physical Fitness Research, 金子, 公宥(1938-)
Human Kinetics Books